3/16 notes

Hugh Lofting, The Story of Doctor Doolittle: Intro: “John Doolittle’s friends are convincing because their creator never forces them to desert their own characteristics…..when Mr. Lofting invents fantastic animals he gives them a kind of credible possibility which is extraordinarily…

Keyword: Pain

Jaïra Placide ENGL 80600. Children’s Literature and Animal Studies: A Dialogue. Carrie Hintz. CUNY Graduate Center Feb. 15, 2022 Pain and trauma are things always associated with blackness/Black people. It’s something we are always dealing with, reeling from, healing from, praying to…

Jaïra’s questions

Feb 9th: Leslie Bow, “Racial Abstraction and Species Difference: Anthropomorphic Animals in ‘Multicultural’ Children’s Literature,”  American Literature 191 (2) (June 2019):  323–356. “The CCBC’s Diversity Statistics: A Conversation with Kathleen T. Horning,”  The Horn Book (March 27, 2017). • What is…